What is a kidney transplant?
A kidney transplant is the transfer of a healthy kidney from one person into the body of another person who has little or no kidney function.

A kidney can be donated in 2 ways:
Live - when a kidney is obtained from a living friend/relative/stranger
Deceased - when a kidney is obtained from someone who has very recently passed away
Please watch this video which explains the different types of transplant and includes real patient stories.
How do I know if I'm suitable for a transplant?
Not everyone is suitable for a transplant. The following reasons might affect your chances of getting on the transplant list:
BMI 35 or more
If you are a smoker
If you have had cancer in the last 5 years
If you have had a heart attack/stroke in the past year
Non-compliance with medications/appointments
If you want to know whether transplantation is a feasible option for you, please discuss this with your kidney doctor at your next clinic appointment.
I am suitable for a transplant - what happens next?
Once your kidney function is below 17% (eGFR =17mL/min) and you are deemed suitable for a transplant, you will be referred to a transplant assessment clinic.
You will need to have an ECG, chest x-ray, heart ultrasound (ECHO), tissue typing and blood tests done.
When these are complete and you are within 6 months of needing to start treatment (dialysis), you will be activated on the transplant list.
Please note: a transplant is not guaranteed before needing to start treatment so it is important to consider what type of dialysis would suit you if your kidneys were to deteriorate further.
How can I be as fit as possible for a transplant?
Eat Healthy
Watch salt intake, choose healthy fats, include fruit, vegetables and salad every day.
Good Blood Pressure Control
Reduce salt intake, lose weight if overweight, limit alcohol consumption, exercise.
Exercising heals and maintains the health of blood vessels and this can prevent stokes, heart attacks and kidney failure.
Quit Smoking
Smoking damages your blood vessels which can make kidney disease progress much faster.